The World Congress 3rd Annual Leadership Summit: Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care Models


This summit will bring together senior leadership to discuss strategies for successful implementation of behavioral health and primary care integration. Strategies to be gained include:

  • Calculate the level of integration that your organization is prepared for and how to implement accurate measures to track success and outcomes data;
  • Learn how to determine and develop the best model of integration for your organization;
  • Pace yourself! Managing the shift from fee-for-service to capitation or risk payment: how fast should you go?
  • Identify elements of patient engagement that can be employed to ensure ease of transition and efficiency of treatment in a new, integrated setting;
  • Evaluate and discuss the role of a psychologist in ACO settings;
  • How can instruction, training and engagement methodology improve staff and physician morale, interconnectedness and buy-in to a new, integrated treatment setting?
  • Recognize the unbridled opportunities in new technology and innovation;

This event is a must attend for industry professionals who want to hear about the strategies, outcomes and data on successful integrated programs currently being employed across the nation. Click here for more information.  

  Meeting Information
Date: March 24 - 25, 2014


Orlando, FL
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  Useful Links