CHC Support

Webinar: Contracting with Private Practice Dentists: Partnerships for Access


Presented by: NACHC and the National Network for Oral Health Access

In 2009, the CHIP Reauthorization Act authorized that FQHCs and look-alikes may contract with private dentists to provide dental services to health center patients in the dentists’ private offices. While much of the FQHC community is aware of the concept, private dentist contracting has not been widely adopted thus far, and there is a lack of knowledge on the practicalities of implementing this approach. This webinar will provide an overview of contracting practice, discuss the parameters to be negotiated, share examples of contracts, and highlight successes and challenges from the actual FQHCs. For more information and to register. click here.

  Meeting Information
Date: January 7, 2014
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


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