Improving Cervical Cancer Screening in Health Centers through PCMH


HRSA invites you to join a multi-disciplinary panel of Federal staff and BPHC grantees for this technical assistance session on how PCMH can be used to improve cervical cancer screening outcomes.

Dial-in Number: 800-857-4265
Participant Code: PCMH



  • Suma Nair, Director, Office of Quality and Data, BPHC
  • Preeta Chidambaran, MD, MPH, Medical Officer, Office of Quality and Data, BPHC
  • Nina Brown, MPH, Public Health Analyst, Office of Quality and Data, BPHC
  • Jacqueline W. Miller, MD, FACS, Medical Director, National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, CDC
  • Risë K. Phillips, MPH, MBA, President and Chief Executive Officer, T.H.E. Clinic
  • Chad Hess PA-C, RN, MBA, Director of Nursing Services, Pueblo Community Health Center


Presentation materialswill be available the week of the session; click here to view them.

This TA call will be recorded and an mp3 file will be available online here within one week following the session.

Registration is not required for this call.

  Meeting Information
Date: January 24, 2013
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:30 am

HRSA-Sponsored Webinar / TA Session

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Contact: Stephanie Crist

  Useful Links