UDS Trainings

UDS Training


This one-day UDS training session is directed at fiscal staff, including new fiscal directors, clinical staff responsible for clinical measure reporting (e.g. QI Directors, Clinical Site Directors and Medical Directors), and senior staff of new FQHCs. Those interested in attending may select either the Rochester or NYC session.

For pricing and hotel information and to register, click here.

About the Uniform Data System (UDS): 
Each year, all grantees of BPHC-administered Section 330 primary care programs (including Community Health Center, Migrant Health Center, Health Care for the Homeless and Public Housing Primary Care) are required under the terms of their grant to report on their performance using the measures defined in the Uniform Data System (UDS). The data are analyzed by HRSA to ensure compliance with legislative mandates, report program accomplishments, and justify budget requests to the U.S. Congress. The UDS data also help HRSA to identify trends over time and establish and/or expand targeted programs and identify effective services and interventions to improve access to primary health care for vulnerable populations. Additionally, CHCANYS uses UDS data in its work with FQHCs.

  Meeting Information
Date: December 7, 2017

Baruch College

Newman Conference Center,14th Floor, Room 14-220
One Bernard Baruch Way, 55 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10010
[Show Map]

Contact: Roxanne Wynn-Trotman
Phone: rwynn@chcanys.org
  Useful Links