HPV CME Webinar and Learning Collaborative


Join the New York State HPV Coalition and the New York School-Based Health Alliance in a free HPV CME webinar on October 22nd, 2019 from 2-3 pm on Increasing HPV Vaccination in School-Based Health Centers. Learn the latest information about HPV vaccination, recommended strategies to increase coverage, and new regulations affecting how clinicians at school-based health centers can help protect more young people from HPV-related cancer, with guest speaker Jana Shaw, MD, MPH, MS, Associate Professor of both Pediatrics Clinical and Public Health and Preventative Medicine at SUNY Upstate Medical University. To register, Go to http://www.upstate.edu/cme and click on Event Registration. From the activity catalog choose HPV course and click the “Register” button. Please use Google Chrome for a successful registration, Internet Explorer is not compatible. 

Join the HPV Learning Collaborative for increasing HPV vaccination at school-based health centers in New York, led by the New York State HPV Coalition. This collaborative is free and gives the opportunity to hear from experts and peers; learn simple strategies and practice changes to increase vaccination rates; and share barriers and successes to help your peers while helping yourself. This learning collaborative is six months, from November 2019 – April 2019 and is just one 60 minute call per month. Space is limited, sign up today by sending your contact information to education@nyshpv.org.  


  Meeting Information
Date: October 22, 2019
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


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  Useful Links