CHAMP Addiction & Mental Healthcare Training in Buffalo


On Friday, August 16, the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, Office of Mental Health, and Department of Financial Services have created a new program to ensure all New Yorkers are able to access insurance coverage for substance use disorder and mental health services. The program, called Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project (CHAMP) works to educate individuals, families, and health care providers on their legal rights to coverage, helps people access treatment and services, and will investigate and resolve complaints regarding denial of health insurance coverage. CHAMP is hosting a free training in Buffalo, NY on August 16. The training is for any individual, but may be especially relevant to providers, consumers, and advocates to learn about the CHAMP helpline and services, insurance rights for mental health and substance use disorder care, challenging insurance denials, and new legislation. The event will be held from 10 am, to 12 pm at BestSelf Behavioral Health, 768 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY. To register, send your name, title, organization, and contact information to Lynn Goldberg, lynn@nyscouncil.org, 518-281-2315.

To learn more about CHAMP, click to view the brochure or flyer


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Date: August 16, 2019


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