Colorectal Cancer Screening – How to Achieve 80% in Every Community


The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT), co-led by the Centers for Disease Control and the American Cancer Society, is relaunching the "80% by 2018" colorectal cancer screening campaign as "80% in Every Community." More information will be forthcoming, but in the meantime there are a few opportunities to be aware of regarding this new campaign with the NCCRT. 

  1. Learn more about the campaign and the new 80% pledge here.  Your organization might consider signing or re-signing the pledge, demonstrating that your organization embraces (or continues to embrace) the shared goal of reaching 80% screened for colorectal cancer.
  2. Be part of NCCRT and its partners' live online broadcast of the launch on March 7, 2019. Register at this link.

Register for a NYS-focused webinar titled ‘Colorectal Cancer Screening – How to Achieve 80% in Every Community’ hosted by a number of partners here in NYS, scheduled for March 18th at 8AM. More information is available here.

  Meeting Information
Date: March 18, 2019
Time: 8:00 am


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  Useful Links