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Sixth Annual Conference on Rural Health - Sept. 12th - 14th


Sixth Annual Conference on Rural Health
September 12-14, 2007
Hilton Lake Placid Resort, Lake Placid NY

By now, you should have received your conference brochure for NYSARH’s 6th Annual Conference on Rural Health.  We’re sure you’re finding the lineup to be quite outstanding, with nationally-known speakers and timely and significant session topics.  Please complete your registration form and mail now to receive your early bird discount!

If you have not received your conference brochure, please contact NYSARH staff at (607) 756-1090, email Maria Hopko at mhopko@cnyahec.org, or go to http://www.nysarh.org/2007ANNUALconference.pdf to print your own copy of the brochure.

Keynote speaker Dr. Bob Paeglow will kick off the presentations on Thursday, September 13.  The founder of Compassion in Action/Koinonia Primary Care in Albany, New York, Dr. Bob has been featured on the CBS Evening News and on Good Morning, America, as well as in People magazine.  We’re also pleased to have Marcia Brand, PhD of the Office of Rural Health Policy, speak at our Awards Dinner on Thursday evening.  Scheduled for Friday, September 14 is keynote speaker William H. Thomas, MD, international authority on geriatric care, and James R. Knickman, PhD, president and CEO of the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth).

Concurrent session topics include Health Workforce, Health Information Technology, and Leadership/Sustainability, with workshops and presentations by many notable professionals. We’ll also have a Policy Forum on New York State Rural Health Restructuring with invited speakers Dr. Richard Daines, New York State Commissioner of Health, and Daniel Gunderson, Upstate Economic Development “Czar”.
Have some fun, too!  Be sure to participate in the conference’s special events:               

  *   Exhibitor Reception (Thursday, Sept. 13) 
  *   Awards Dinner (Thursday, Sept. 13) 
  *   Walk/Jog/Run around Lake Placid’s Mirror Lake (Friday, Sept. 14) 
  *   a fun-filled “recre-ception” at the spectacular Olympic Center- grab some ice skates and skate where the 1980 U.S. Hockey team won the gold! (Wednesday, Sept. 13) 

As a NYSARH member, please take this opportunity to forward this message to your colleagues in the fields of health, education, and business.  Promoting NYSARH's Sixth Annual Conference on Rural Health is a great way in which you can help further NYSARH's mission as we strive together to improve the health and well-being of New York State's rural communities.

There are still several rewarding conference sponsorship opportunities available! 
Choose a pre-set package, or become a NYSARH Champion and support NYSARH at a level that is best for you!
More information can be found on your conference brochure registration form, or visit
If you’d like to become a sponsor, please contact the NYSARH office at (607) 756-1090 for complete details.

Visit our website at www.nysarh.org for information on the 6th Annual Conference, as well as for other pertinent information on rural health in New York State. 
For further information, please e-mail Maria Hopko at
mhopko@cnyahec.org or call (607) 756-1090. 

Maria Hopko
Project Assistant
Central New York Area Health Education Center

10 Kennedy Parkway
Cortland, NY 13045
Tel:  (607) 756-1090
Fax:  (607) 756-1092

Email:  mhopko@cnyahec.org
Web:  www.cnyahec.org

  Meeting Information
Date: September 12, 2007

Hilton Lake Placid Resort

Lake Placid, NY
[Show Map]

Contact: Maria Hopko
Phone: (607) 756-1090

  Useful Links