Emergency Mgmt Events

PCEPN 4th Annual Emergency Preparedness Seminar


Hosted by: Primary Care Emergency Preparedness Network (PCEPN), a CHCANYS EM Initiative

This year’s presenters will discuss the role that community health centers and other primary care facilities can play in response and recovery efforts during and after emergencies and disasters. Speakers include:

  • Jeff Schlegelmilch, MPH MBA, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Columbia University
  • Katharine Logan, RN, Office of Health Emergency Preparedness, New York State Department of Health
  • Leighton Jones, MA, Emergency Preparedness Research, Evaluation & Practice (EPREP) Program , Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
  • Callen-Lorde Community Health Center Medical Team
  • Greater New York Hospital Association

The Seminar is especially recommended for staff working in primary care settings, including FQHCs  and Article 28 outpatient clinics. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. To register, click here. Click here to view the event flyer. An agenda is available here. Please note that the agenda and speakers are subject to change.

  Meeting Information
Date: March 15, 2018


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