Emergency Mgmt Events

Webinar: Planning for Pandemic Emergencies


Hosted by FEMA, this preparedness webinar will examine pandemic, from the definitions to the planning to preparedness efforts. Speakers will review epidemiology terms, provide a brief overview of diseases with pandemic potential, and discuss pandemic planning and response (focused on clinical /epidemiology), activities with partner agencies and the efforts of New Jersey’s Dept. of Health in planning and preparedness efforts. Click here to register. 


  • Lisa McHugh has been an epidemiologist with the New Jersey Department of Health’s Communicable Disease Service since March of 2003. She is currently a senior level epidemiologist serving as the Program Coordinator for the Infectious Disease Epidemiology Program. Since 2005, Ms. McHugh has served as the New Jersey’s Influenza Surveillance Coordinator.
  • Wendy Sheay is a Planner for the NJ Department of Health with over 13 years of experience in emergency preparedness and response. She has worked at the local, county and state levels writing and testing operational plans for the public health and healthcare sectors. She also provided operational support during the Department’s response to Zika and Ebola viruses, Hurricane Sandy and the H1N1 influenza pandemic.

  Meeting Information
Date: July 24, 2017
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


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