Emergency Mgmt Events

Cyber Security Workshop


October is Cyber Security month! The New York State Intelligence Center (NYSIC)—Cyber Analysis Unit (CAU), in conjunction with state and federal partners, is hosting a Regional Cyber Workshop in the Hudson Valley region of New York.  The purpose is to gather management and Information technology staff from private sector, law enforcement, and local, state and federal government partners to: learn “who’s who” in cyber security in New York State; review the goals and missions of state and federal partners; understand the current cyber threat landscape and emerging cyber threats; engage in sector-specific breakout sessions for more tailored discussions; and benefit from great networking opportunities.  There is no cost to attend this event and a working lunch will be provided. To RSVP or direct questions to the Cyber Analysis Unit, e-mail cau@nysic.ny.gov.

  Meeting Information
Date: November 9, 2016
Time: 8:30 am

Hudson Valley Transportation Management Center

Hawthorne, NY
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