Adolescents and LARC: Fact, Fiction, and First Line Contraception
Date: Friday March 14, 2014
Time: 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Speaker: Rachael Phelps, MD, Medical Director, Planned Parenthood of Central & Western New York
NYPATH (New York Promoting and Advancing Teen Health) and the Physicians for Reproductive Health are pleased to announce an upcoming webinar focused on Adolescents and LARCS (Long Acting Reversible Contraception). The webinar is designed for medical providers involved in providing healthcare services to adolescents. The purpose of the webinar is to:
Learn about the safety and efficacy of IUDs, and Implants for adolescents.
De-bunk commonly held myths about IUDs and adolescents.
Encourage medical providers serving adolescents to provide contraceptive counseling that includes the full range of safe and effective methods.
·Learn how adolescents in New York State can access confidential, free or low-cost IUDS and implants.