Registration for FQHC Training Session on Medicare Optimization for Mental Health Services


Registration for FQHC Training Session on Medicare Optimization for Mental Health Services

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Registration is closed.

FQHC Training Session on Medicare Optimization for Mental Health Services
The Community Health Care Association of NYS (CHANYS) and the Geriatric Mental Health Alliance of New York are pleased to announce a free training session on Medicare Optimization for Mental Health Services on Thursday, April 10th from 9:00 – 10:30 AM at 7 Times Square (Broadway between 41st and 42nd Streets), 23rd Floor, Boardroom.   Health centers can also attend by webinar by pre-registering at www.

Background: New Regulations Allow Expansion of Mental Health Services
In an effort to better integrate health and mental health services in NYS, the Department of Health has announced exciting efforts to make it easier for community health centers and other Article 28 diagnostic and treatment centers to integrate services.

  • The mental health visit threshold before which a center would need a mental health license has been expanded to a maximum of 10,000 visits or 30% of volume, which is roughly equivalent to 10 clinic staff.
  • In addition, The NYS Office of Mental Health has removed the Medicaid neutrality cap, which previously significantly impeded programs from expanding services. 

Both of these efforts will make it significantly easier for FQHCs (with or without a mental health license) to mount new, or expand current, mental health services.
As a result of these recent regulatory changes, programs can expand their mental health portfolio, especially to better meet the mental health needs of elders, a significantly underserved population whose numbers are growing in NYS.  In order to help facilitate the program expansion process, we are co-hosting this presentation on Medicare Optimization:  Nuts and Bolts for Community Health Centers

1) Medicare Coverage in general.

2) The Nuts and Bolts of Cross-over Billing: Medicare to Medicaid; Commercial to Medicare to Medicaid; Commercial to Medicaid; Managed Medicaid to Medicaid. Learn about the formula for reporting the correct “co-insurance” to the state/Medicaid and, perhaps most importantly, how to deal with denials and provider mistakes.

3) Health Services for Dually Eligible, Medicare Secondary Payer and Medicaid Spend-down Beneficiaries.

4) Medicare’s “Incident to” Rules”: Attending v. Supervising; Direct v. Direct Personal Supervision; “in-the-office-suite”; and, incidental v. integral.  How can this be used “safely” in an FQHC?

5) Questions and Answers Period

  Meeting Information
Date: April 10, 2008
Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

7 Times Square
Boardroom, 23 Floor
New York, NY
[Show Map]

Contact: Darryl Ng

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