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FREE WEBINAR: Social Media in Healthcare: Lessons for the Digital World


In today’s digital age, it is easier than ever to share information and reach a massive audience within seconds. However, it is also easier than ever to share incorrect, sensitive, or private information in a way that is public and permanent. Indeed, misuse of social media can damage a health center's reputation, violate patient privacy, and even impact patient care.

Please join ECRI Institute as they address some of the most common topics related to social media, including:

  • Implementing a social media plan in your health center
  • Responding to negative reviews about the health center posted online
  • Addressing smartphone risks other than social media (e.g., distractions, texting)
  • Responding to patients who record office visits

Real-life scenarios and case studies will highlight the potential pitfalls of social media use as well as important risk management strategies. ECRI Institute on behalf of HRSA presents this FREE program.

For your convenience, the same webinar will be offered on two dates. Please register here.

You do not need a username to sign up for the FREE webinar. To register, just click above on the time you wish to attend.  The webinar will be closed captioned and a recording and transcript will be posted on the Clinical Risk Management Program website following the live broadcast.

  Meeting Information
Date: March 6, 2019
Time: 3:00 pm


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