CLICK HERE TO APPLY Abstracts are accepted April 10 – May 29, 2013
The Community Health Care Association of New York State is hosting this year’s Statewide Conference and Clinical Forum Sunday, October 27 - Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at The Saratoga Hilton & City Center in Saratoga Springs, New York
The 2013 CHCANYS conference theme will be expanding sustainable FQHCs in the rapidly evolving and shifting health care reform environment. CHCANYS recently completed a year-long planning effort to greatly increase access to FQHC services to New York residents by expanding the internal capacity of existing FQHCs and expanding physical capacity through new and expanded FQHC sites. Health Care Reform provides opportunities and challenges to realizing these goals of greatly increased FQHC capacity. For example, FQHCs will need to consider the expanded eligibility for health insurance coverage, particularly through the implementation, starting in October 2013, of Health Insurance Exchanges (HIEs).
Abstract submissions should consider this theme as it relates to one or more of the following topical areas.
Topical Areas for Abstract Submission:
Clinical Quality Improvement (QI): Using data to drive activities that improve quality is a critical consideration of health care reform. Some areas of focus for QI include team-based care of chronic diseases within the primary care medical home (PCMH); best practices for improving outcomes of health conditions; telemedicine/telehealth services; innovative Dental Health Services; integrating Behavioral Health Services, best practices for maintaining quality while building capacity.
Collaboration and Community Development: Planning and developing key partnershipare important considerations for expanding sustainable health centers and building integrated care systems. Topics may focus uponmodels of collaborations that will support FQHC expansion and sustainability in the changing environments; developing community and needs assessments; outreach to expanded eligible populations.
Health Information Technology: HIT will have a critical role in supporting the FQHC of thefuture. Areas of focus include: providing data and analytics to support fiscal, operational and quality improvement strategies to thrive under delivery and payment system reform (e.g. health homes, ACOs, pay-for-performance, and managed care contracting); achieving Meaningful Use, Stages 1 and 2; implementing health information exchange and other emerging technologies (e.g. patient portals; telehealth); addressing issues around privacy & security; preparing for business continuity/disaster recovery; and more.
Operations & Governance: FQHCs are facing increasing scrutiny to meet state and federal requirements related to strong governing and operational systems, topical areas may include: HRSA federal requirements; recruiting Board members, financial guidelines; effective communication strategies; leadership capacity; fundraising; corporate compliance, strategic planning; reduction in waiting times; emergency preparedness;
Policy/ & Finance: ensuring FQHC sustainability and expansion in the evolving environment will necessitate positioning to: maximize reimbursement, particularly with expanded eligibility and enrollment; code effectively; maintain compliance; develop methodologies and requirements relative to strategic financing; diversify revenue streams; leverage programs such as 340B, capital planning and development.
Special Populations: Addressing the health care needs of special populations in a landscape of increased eligibility for coverage is an important consideration for FQHCs.
Workforce Development: Positioning FQHCs to have the “health care team of the future” is a critical issue. Areas of focus include: staff team composition (supporting productivity, job efficiency, and quality); workforce approaches to care coordination; shifting/emerging job roles and competencies; occupational categories; training based on health center needs; (employer demand training); workforce implications for PCMH; external workforce training partnerships; clinical provider training partnerships (internships and preceptor approaches).
Senior and Middle Management staff (administrative and operational);
Human Resource Directors, staff involved in recruitment, retention, and/or workforce trainings;
All providers (MDs, DOs, PAs, NPs, RNs, behavioral health specialists, oral health specialists); and
All those interested in careers in primary care including students and AmeriCorps members.
Abstract submissions will be accepted April 10 – May 29, 2013. Presenter/panelists will be notified byJune 26thof their acceptance. All abstracts are subject to a review by a Committee comprised of CHCANYS staff, prior to selection.
Please carefully review abstract guidelines and policies outlined below:
Abstract Guidelines and Considerations:
Abstracts may be submitted for an individual presenter or a panel; Panel abstracts must be limited to three speakers to allow sufficient time for presentation and Q & A.
Centers and/or other organizations may submitup to three (3) abstract ideas;
List two (2) learning objectives for each abstract;
Additional information regarding credentials and disclosures will be requested for CME application purposes;
Conference organizers may request centers/organizations with a similar topic to form a panel or roundtable to enhance the workshop topic; and
CHCANYS will offer the Early Bird registration fee to accepted workshop presenters and panelists. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide honorarium, travel or accommodations.
Abstract Requirements:
Be sure to address all of the following in your submission. Note the questions and information being requested so that reviewers will understand the topic(s) you intend to cover. We often receive related proposals and this will help us to decide whether to combine speakers into a panel or topic area.
Complete all contact information.Indicate name, title, and credentials for yourself and or panelists as they should appear in the printed program (e.g. Jason Smith, MD, Medical Director, ABC Health Center; Linda Barnes, NP, Quality Improvement Director, Best Health Center, etc.);
List all AV needs. Note: We will try to accommodate any special equipment needed;
Title/Topic(s). Please provide an interesting title as you’d like it published (e.g. Health Centers in the “Hot Seat:” The Board’s Role in Ensuring Corporate Compliance vs. Corporate Compliance Training); and
Answer the following questions:
Why is your topic valuable to others?
Who is your target audience?
What level of experience is your target audience?
Is your program innovative? And, if so, what makes it innovative?
Can your program/services be replicated? Briefly reference how it is funded, staffed, implemented, etc.
Is your program/model/topic referenced in the literature? If so, please include a reference or link.