Capital District Regional Meeting on Integrated Care


Please join CHCANYS and NYS Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare at our Capital District Regional Meeting for community health centers and behavioral health providers on Thursday, September 19th, 2019 from 1 pm – 4 pm in the Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Rite Aid Lounge. This meeting is part of a series of regional meetings that CHCANYS and NYS Council, with the support of the Delta Center for a Thriving Safety Net and RCHN Community Health Foundation, are convening over the next two years to bring together community health centers and behavioral health providers to advance integrated care and support participation in value based payment arrangements. The meeting is free to attend and light refreshments will be served. The meeting will focus on regional-specific issues and allow attendees to talk with government officials from DOH, OMH, and OASAS, and other local organizations. To register for the meeting, please email the Cindy Levernois, with the NYS Council, at cindy@nyscouncil.org. Please include your name, title, organization, and email address.


  Meeting Information
Date: September 19, 2019
Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


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  Useful Links