Payment Reform and Clinical Summit: Lessons from DSRIP and The Future of Payment and Care Delivery Reform at New York Health Centers


Achieving the Quadruple Aim will require innovation around both how healthcare is reimbursed and how healthcare is delivered. A thorough understanding of the national and state healthcare payment reform and practice transformation landscape is the best way to inform the development of a statewide Alternative Payment Model that is founded on an appropriate and innovative advanced Care Model.  As New York State’s DSRIP program moves into its final year, healthcare leaders are reflecting on the successes and challenges of the program and beginning to consider what comes next.  Most recently, the State has indicated that they are considering seeking another DSRIP waiver to further the State’s delivery system reforms efforts.  Please join CHCANYS and healthcare leaders from around the State to hear more about how NY FQHCs experience in DSRIP compares with that of Massachusetts FQHCs, what the State the thinking is about DSRIP 2.0 and the role that health centers can play in future delivery and payment reform initiatives.  

Please join CHCANYS for this two-day exploration of the key payment and care model considerations relevant to NYS FQHC’s success in Value-Based Healthcare. The summit will bring together national experts with the goal to create a vision for an innovative NYS model that supports value over volume for financial and clinical excellence.

Target Audience: FQHC CEOs, CFOs, CMOs, COOs, CIO/CTOs, QI, and Government Affairs/Policy staff

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Sara Rosenbaum, JD,  Harold and Jane Hirsh Professor of Health Law and Policy at the Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University, author of Community Health Centers and Medicaid Delivery and Payment Reform: A Closer Look at Massachusetts and New York 
  • David Sandman, President and CEO, NYS Health Foundation
  • Ann Monroe, Chair, NYS DSRIP Project Approval and Oversight Panel, Former President and CEO of Western NY Health Foundation
  • Craig Hostetler, FQHC Payment Reform Consultant, Former President and CEO of Oregon Primary Care Association
  • Kevin Grumbach, M.D. , Founding-Director of the UCSF Center for Excellence in Primary Care, Hellman Endowed Professor of Family and Community Medicine and Chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, Vice President for Population Health for the UCSF Health system
  • Chris Chirinos, Practice Coaching and Training Manager at the UCSF Center for Excellence in Primary Care

Location: DoubleTree by Hilton Tarrytown. A discounted Group Rate of $164 is available through April 8, 2019 (code: CNY). Reserve your room by calling (914) 524-6418  or online at Tarrytown.DoubleTree.com.

Contact Sonia Panigrahy with questions at spanigrahy@chcanys.org

  Meeting Information
Date: May 1 - 2, 2019

Tarrytown, NY

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