All-Sector Sepsis Summit – A Statewide Call to Action


The All-Sector Sepsis Summit is being held in Albany NY on October 3rd.

The goal of this summit is to bring together all of the sectors and clinical partners in promoting a true “continuum response” to sepsis, an emergency condition where collaboration and timing are absolutely key to saving health, lives and catastrophic cost. 

The summit is designed to be a catalyst for critical dialogue on the sepsis medical emergency, and on the urgency for collaboration, the identification of gaps, recommendations for response and foundation for best practices by and across all sectors. The vision is to elevate and combine our individual sector efforts toward achieving the most synchronized, timely and seamless response to sepsis possible by the continuum. At stake is unprecedented opportunity for sepsis prevention and mitigation, and with it, saved lives, health, morbidity, mortality and catastrophic hospital and health care cost and utilization. 

To register, click here.

  Meeting Information
Date: October 3, 2018

Albany, NY

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  Useful Links