Policy Events

Stakeholder Meeting on the Future of Integrated Care in New York State


The NYS Dept. of Health’s Division of Long Term Care, together with the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services, will convene the third meeting of the stakeholder series on the future of integrated care in New York State.  These sessions are designed to facilitate conversation around the vision for the State’s integrated care programs after 2019.  Topics to be covered this session include: Network Adequacy and Access; Participant Rights and Protections; Marketing Rules and Flexibilities; and Quality Standards and Measures. Please note that space is limited and only two people from each organization will be permitted to attend in person.  Once in-person attendance has reached maximum capacity, RSVPs will be asked to join this meeting via webinar/conference call. There is no limit to the number of participants who may join remotely. If you plan on attending in person, please RSVP no later than October 11th to futureofintegratedcare@health.ny.gov with the first and last names of attendees. Only those people listed will be permitted to enter the building; substitute attendees will not be permitted. To register for the webinar, click here

  Meeting Information
Date: October 16, 2017
Time: 11:30 am - 2:00 pm

26 Federal Plaza, 6th Floor, Conference Room A/B, NYC

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