Other CHC Related Events

30th Annual Region II Primary Care Conference


The Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS) cordially invites all HRSA grantees and friends to take part in the 30th Annual Region II Primary Care Conference hosted by our sister Primary Care Association – Asociacion de Salud Primaria de Puerto Rico (Primary Care Association of Puerto Rico). The conference provides an opportunity for health centers in Region II (NY, NJ, PR, and VI) to come together in order to share practices and information across the region.

Please review the attached invitation and registration. Note all deadlines. Program and logistical questions should be directed to ACS (Mary Keane) at (914) 378-1899.

Click here to download Invitation Letter  
Click here to download Registration Form 

  Meeting Information
Date: July 17, 2007

The Intercontinental Hotel

San Juan, PR
[Show Map]

Contact: Mary Keane
Phone: 914-378-1899

  Useful Links