Emergency Preparedness Trainings

2006 NYS DOH Regional Pandemic Influenza Meeting- ROCHESTER


Rochester  - Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Crowne Plaza
70 State Street

Rochester, NY  14614

Check-in will be from 9:30 - 10:00 am.  All regional meetings will begin at 10:00 am and end at 2:00 pm.

To register, please click on this link and follow directions on the Zoomerang site: http://www.zoomerang.com/survey.zgi?p=WEB225FF9SJLAR

Should you have questions or need further information, please contact Pat Anders, Director of Preparedness Training at 518-474-2893 or pea02@health.state.ny.us

2006 NYS DOH Pandemic Influenza Meetings Invitation Letter

As part of New York State Department of Health’s (NYS DOH) efforts to engage their partners in the DOH plan for pandemic influenza, and provide education regarding a pandemic flu outbreak, the NYS DOH is holding a series of regional meetings across New York State .

The purposes of the meetings are:
1)  To describe the NYSDOH Pandemic Influenza Plan within the context of federal, state and local planning efforts, including continuity of operations plans;
2)  To describe and assure that partners are aware of their roles, should a pandemic outbreak occur;
3)  To provide a forum for local and regional partners to address questions and concerns to NYSDOH; and
4)  To begin to address content-specific training needs (e.g., infection control training, epidemiological investigation, antiviral and vaccine prioritization, etc.).

The meetings are targeted to local health departments, hospitals, representatives of the professional providers (physicians, nurses, dentists, etc.) and associations, long-term care facilities, home care agencies, community health centers and mental health providers.

The NYS DOH looks forward to working with you on their pandemic flu preparedness efforts.

  Meeting Information
Date: July 26, 2006
Time: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm

Crowne Plaza

70 State Street
Rochester, NY 14614
[Show Map]

Contact: Pat Anders, Director of Preparedness Training, NYS DOH
Phone: 518-474-2893

  Useful Links