Clinical Committee Learning Call

CHCANYS Clinical Committee Learning Call


For CHCANYS Clinical Committee learning calls, please use the following phone number and attendee access code:

Phone #:  1-866-504-8504
Passcode for Participants:  2127104185
Please note that we are using the Webinar system for the learning calls. For Webinar information, please refer to your email or contact Christine Nicholson

Clinical Committee Learning Call Materials

The presentation information is below.  The PowerPoint slides are attached click here.

We welcome Somjen Frazer, Community Epidemiologist with the Epidemiology Services from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH).  Ms. Frazer will present on health data and resources that are available via the DOHMH website.  She will also discuss how to navigate through the website and extract the information needed.

Attendee URL:

Meeting ID: H6KWFB
Attendee Entry Code: sq;9TGj

  Meeting Information
Date: July 18, 2008
Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Learning Call

Dial-in Number: (866) 504-8504
Passcode Number: 2127104185
[Show Map]

Contact: Christine Nicholson
Phone: 212-279-9686 ext. 661

  Useful Links